Agricultural yields in Africa have already fallen in some cases by up to 50 per cent as a result of invasive pests, land degradation, erosion, drought and climate change according to the report, released on Thursday by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
It also underscored the increasing scarcity of water in Africa despite studies by UNEP and the World Agroforestry Centre that estimated there would be enough rainfall in the continent to supply the water needs for 13 billion people, twice the current world population.
However, little of the rainfall is collected or stored through sustainable methods, such as small and large-scale rainwater harvesting, stressed the "Environmental Food Crisis" report. "The economic models and management regimes of the 20th century are unlikely to serve humanity well on a planet of six billion, rising to over nine billion by 2050," warned UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner.
"This is particularly true with respect to agriculture and especially valid in Africa," he added.
Reversing environmental degradation and "investing in ecological infrastructure, such as forests, soils and water bodies is one part of the Green Economy solution," said Steiner. "The other key is managing them and the food chain in far more efficient ways."
The report pointed out that over half of food produced worldwide is lost, wasted or discarded as a result of inefficiency in the human-managed food chain, from the farm and the seas to the urban market and the kitchen.
Steiner also underscored the "enormous opportunity to diversify livelihoods and incomes" through emerging carbon markets, including renewable energy and farmers earning an income by conserving forests, soil and vegetation cover to sequester carbon.
Clean energy projects, such as wind, off-river hydro and solar power are beginning to take off in Africa, with an estimated 100 projects in over 20 countries up and running or in the pipeline, noted the report.
The head of UNEP noted that Kenya has plans to generate 1,300 Megawatts of geothermal electricity by around 2020, "But this is only scratching the surface."
Steiner said that by some estimates, Kenya might have enough windy sites to produce over 30 Gigawatts of wind energy for domestic consumption and export.
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